My Farewell Letter to You

My Farewell Letter to You

Dear clients and colleagues: As many of you know, my time at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates is rapidly coming to a close; Sunday, July 26th, 2020 will mark my final day as a psychotherapist at the practice. During the four … Continue...

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The Laws of In-Laws

Over the course of my lifetime, I have become increasingly aware of how growing up as an only child, in a single parent household can present with its own unique strengths and challenges. Everyone has an inimitable background. It’s undeniable...

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Next Level Happiness

Today is the first day of summer, and I find myself feeling a deep sense of happiness as the calendar stretches out before me filled with sunshine, fireflies, and lazy days with family. What are some of the things that … Continue reading...

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Depart from Equilibrium

Individual Therapy Bethesda, MD Let’s begin with an overview of three basic life facts: Change is hard. Change is extremely hard when it means shifting away from behaviors and thought processes that developed over the course of many months or...

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Change Your Filter

Relationship Therapy Sterling, VA This week’s post is the third in my series on cognitive distortions and how they can impact relationships. Cognitive distortions are problematic patterns of thinking that skew our perceptions and impact feelings...

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