Depart from Equilibrium

Individual Therapy Bethesda, MD Let’s begin with an overview of three basic life facts: Change is hard. Change is extremely hard when it means shifting away from behaviors and thought processes that developed over the course of many months or...

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Running Uphill

My favorite form of torture, I mean exercise, is running. I have found nothing quite as satisfying as running outside in the fresh air and being able to just step out my front door to exercise. As anyone who exercises … Continue reading...

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Resolution Revolution

Happy New Year! I’m thrilled to start off our 2017 blog series by sharing with you some thoughts about a powerful way to use your New Year’s Resolutions for the benefit of your relationship. It’s always so interesting to me...

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New year, new opportunities

Hello, and Happy New Year from Lindsey Hoskins and Associates! For this first blog post of 2015, I’d like to talk about the opportunities for change, renewal, and rededication to goals that the new year affords. Many of us make &hellip...

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