You were betrayed. Now what?

You were betrayed. Now what?

Betrayal is a common topic of conversation in therapy because it is a deeply personal and often hurtful experience. Betrayal strips us from our power; yet, betrayal is part of most people’s lives. We both betray and are betrayed by &hellip...

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Parent Yourself

Many couples and families initially seek therapeutic services in hopes of managing their day-to-day stressors more effectively. It’s not uncommon for many of us to feel depleted, as though we are running on fumes. Award-winning author, feminist...

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Changing Your Own Game

As complex beings, our cognitions, emotions, and perceptions stem from multiple sources. Our views of ourselves, how we see others, and our individual thought processes are based on experiences (to give us affirmations or challenge our way of...

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The Laws of In-Laws

Over the course of my lifetime, I have become increasingly aware of how growing up as an only child, in a single parent household can present with its own unique strengths and challenges. Everyone has an inimitable background. It’s undeniable...

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Next Level Happiness

Today is the first day of summer, and I find myself feeling a deep sense of happiness as the calendar stretches out before me filled with sunshine, fireflies, and lazy days with family. What are some of the things that … Continue reading...

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