One of my favorite and most unique things about my job is that it allows me to perform custom wedding ceremonies for my clients. Yes, it’s true — I’m a licensed couple and family therapist, but I’m also a registered wedding ceremony celebrant in both Maryland and DC. Why? Well, it’s simple, really. During my years as a couples therapist I’ve done a ton of premarital counseling. Frequently, as I would get to know the engaged couples with whom I worked, they would say things like, “we wish you could be our officiant! You know us so well now!” For several years I’d just smile and say, “yeah, that would be fun, but unfortunately I don’t do that.” And then one day I thought… why don’t I do that? COULD I do that? So, I looked into it and sure enough, YES, I could!

And so a new service became available at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates — custom wedding ceremony creation and officating services. Couples seeking a unique wedding ceremony that is a perfect representation of their beliefs and relationship can choose to have me as their celebrant, whether or not they’re also working with me in premarital counseling (I really love it when I get to do both, as this allows me to get to know the couple incredible well in preparation for a truly meaningful ceremony). I’ve done a couple dozen weddings now, and it’s honestly one of the most fun, rewarding parts of my job. I love getting to stand with a couple at their wedding and watch them commit their lives to each other. It’s such an honor!

What does a “custom” ceremony mean? Basically, it means that every single ceremony I perform is different, and uniquely tailored to the desires of every couple. Some couples want a ceremony that is short and sweet, without any of the “extra” elements that tend to add to the length. Done! Other couples want something with some unique elements thrown in — a ring passing ceremony, a knot-tying ceremony, writing their own vows, or something they’ve come up with on their own — I’ll make it happen! During the process of preparing for a ceremony, I communicate frequently with the couple, passing drafts back and forth until they tell me that the ceremony is exactly what they want. My ceremonies also include a personal message, which is kept secret until the wedding day — a statement about my hopes and advice for the couple based on having gotten to know them during the therapy and/or planning process.

The other really neat thing about customizing your own ceremony is that it can include as much or as little religious language as you like. I’ve done weddings in which there have been prayers, references to God, etc. throughout, and weddings where there has been no mention of God or religion at all. I have no requirements or preferences about this, so it is entirely up to the couple to decide if and how much religion or spirituality they want included. I’m also happy to work with couples who come from different faith backgrounds to create a ceremony that is a blend of multiple religious traditions.

Does this sound like what you’re looking for in a wedding celebrant? I’d love to talk to you about how we can work together to create the wedding ceremony of YOUR dreams! Contact me online or call (301) 200-5290 to learn more about a custom wedding ceremony for you.