An Underlying Condition Harmful to Any Relationship

An Underlying Condition Harmful to Any Relationship

A lot of clients come to the therapeutic space to share their painful experiences of feeling hurt and misunderstood. These experiences can be exceptionally distressing when provoked by those closest to us like partners, friends, and even family members. In some cases, topics such as substance use and betrayal are the catalyst. These loved ones are described as irritable, impatient, withdrawn, tired, tearful, and demonstrate little to no interest in activities. When circumstances like these arise, there are differences that need to be reconciled and empathy and communication skills that need to be fostered. But what can be key in this unfavorable dynamic, is that one or more involved may be experiencing symptoms of depression.

Depression is a huge obstacle in maintaining healthy relationships and can exacerbate these relational challenges. This condition not only plays a role and impacts our moods but it also affects one’s thinking patterns or cognitive functioning. This can look like indecisiveness and hopelessness. It’s not uncommon for people exhibiting depressed symptomatology to assign blame or describe adversity in the relationship as a result of their unhappiness.

Depression manifests in many forms and those suffering, as well as those around them, initially have difficulty identifying how their reported concerns are connected to this underlying condition. Once medical complications have been ruled out by a health practitioner, the frequency and intensity of the symptoms will help determine where on the latter of depression an individual may fall. Milder types do not portray someone who wants to stay in bed all day. In fact, many people with mild to moderate depression can go to work or school and assume parenting and other responsibilities. Sometimes when this condition is not interfering with day-to-day functioning, it’s often not understood and assumed that anger or sullen shifts of mood towards one another are factors associated with a depressive disorder.

Fulfillments in a relationship are clearly important to our mental health. However, recognizing that your mental health affects your relationships can help salvage your mood and your connections with others. Fortunately, depression is a very treatable condition and there are many ways to manage and overcome it through lifestyle changes and proper support. Everyone has their journey towards healing. Some may be able to conquer it working alongside others and are able to commit to conjoint therapy. While there are those who might prefer a path of enrichment navigated on their own.

Either way, when we consider psychological conditions such as depression and its role in relationship quality, we begin to become aware of who we are and what or who is important to us. We then can start to replace feelings of despair with an empowered dynamic, where we had once experienced little to no control.

Lindsay Enright, MS, L(C)MFT provides couple, family, and individual therapy virtually to those located in Maryland, Virginia, and California. Call or email today to set up your first appointment or a complimentary consultation with Lindsay!