Individual Therapy in Bethesda MD

Sometimes I have the impression that we are pretty good at identifying what is wrong, what should be fixed in our lives and in our relationships. It may take us just a few seconds to come up with a list of “what we need to work on.” The items on this list could be about ourselves, about those we love, or about our relationships. Sure, there might always be room for growth. Being able to identify things to change may involve courage, since it could take significant energy, time and effort to make it happen.

I wonder, though, if we could challenge ourselves to recognize what we and what those around us have done right’ what aspects of ourselves, of our relationships would we not want to change? It might take more thought. I am curious sometimes — if we were given the possibility of changing everything in our lives, what would we rather keep the same?

What is it about us, or about those around us, or even about our relationships that we prefer not to change? I guess these are the things we are doing “just right.” It does not necessarily mean that we take all of those things for granted. Perhaps, for whatever reason, we spend a lot of time paying attention to what could be better, or what we could do better. There is nothing wrong with improving and challenging ourselves, and this is quite important. But sometimes I wonder how life would be different if we could spend just a moment or so each day noticing what we would rather keep the same, and do more of it.

Patricia Barros, PhD, LGMFT offers individual, couple, and family therapy services in our downtown Bethesda office. Call or email her today to set up an appointment or a complimentary telephone consultation! [email protected] or 240-752-7620, ext. 7