Relationship Counseling Genetics Therapist 
Many Maryland couples may struggle with infertility and may not know how to emotionally overcome receiving this news. As a relationship counseling genetics therapist can explain, Statistically, around 1 in every 8 couples go through some degree of difficulty getting pregnant or keeping a pregnancy sustained. Rarely does a couple ever envision having infertility issues, so finding this out after months or even years of trying can be absolutely devastating. Couples counseling can be a wonderful resource for those who need to grieve the infertility, and perhaps move towards a place of considering adoption instead.
How Infertility Can Cause Tension in Relationships
Creating a family is often a goal for many couples. So when their dreams and plans of a family disappear, they may feel helpless in how to accept a new reality. Strain in the relationship can develop from navigating the tricky and deep emotional waters of not being able to bring a human life into the world genetically. It can also be very difficult to support and show up for your partner, while struggling with painful emotions yourself. Infertility is a secret grief that may seem too fragile for even the couple themselves to talk about in great length. This is why many couples often turn to a relationship counseling genetics therapist for help.
How Couples Counseling Can Soften the Grief
The emotions ignited due to an infertility diagnosis have to be acknowledged. Couples who don’t talk about their emotions regarding this news may become relieved in therapy to know that grief, anger, and sorrow are normal responses to what has happened. Your relationship counseling genetics therapist can provide an open and honest space for communication as you both process the grief together.
If the couple doesn’t talk about what is going on internally for them, anger, frustration, bitterness, and distance can grow between them. They may start to blame the other person, sometimes without even realizing it, because they are so filled with anguish. Softening the grieving process means also softening the tension, and letting it out so it can be dealt with in a healthy way.
Acceptance of Infertility and Outcomes
One of the most challenging elements of coping with infertility is the couple having to accept that the possibilities and outcomes are not what they had imagined. Many couples feel sorrow over realizing that things are not going to be what they pictured. The diagnosis itself can cause profound feelings of helplessness, but through couples counseling the couple can hopefully grieve and eventually consider other options. Perhaps the couple decides that they want to pursue infertility treatment, create new life goals together without children, or looking into adoption.
Couples who are interested in adoption may need support as they take the steps toward this new venture together. The couple can learn useful skills that may have weakened upon hearing about their infertility diagnosis, such as communicating effectively, listening to understand, practicing honesty, and trust. The role of the couples counseling genetics therapist is to be a neutral party who doesn’t make decisions for you, but instead gently guides you to a better place in your relationship.
Call Lindsey Hoskins & Associates today to schedule an appointment with a relationship counseling genetics therapist.