Relationship Counseling Chevy Chase, MD 
Couples Counseling and Its Effectiveness
As someone who is married or in a relationship, you’ve no doubt realized you and your spouse are two very different people. While this can be a great thing, it can also be the cause of some serious contention. Do you have different views on religion? How about money? Has your spouse been unfaithful to you, or do you feel you’re falling out of love? Every issue is just as serious as the next if it threatens your relationship and your happiness. The good news is you have a lifeline opportunity by exploring sessions for relationship counseling in Chevy Chase, MD. Does it work? Is it effective? Please, read the following and schedule a consultation with a therapist from Lindsey Hoskins and Associates.
How Is Effectiveness Measured?
It’s said that couples counseling today is, on average, 75% effective Every couple who begins marriage counseling is looking for a slightly different outcome than the next, so how can the experts measure effectiveness? Some therapists use a Dyadic Adjustment Scale. The DAS is a questionnaire that couples complete before and after treatment. The two scores are compared to see if there is a reduction of complaints within the relationship.
Interestingly, the 25% of couples who do not find relationship counseling in Chevy Chase, MD effective are often in abusive relationships. This could include both physical and emotional abuse. Some others in that 25th percentile are couples who are planning to separate, or are already in the process, and are just giving it one last chance to see what happens.
How Can a Couple Increase Effectiveness?
When a couple wants a more positive outcome from relationship counseling in Chevy Chase, MD, they will both need to change their frame of mind. Both spouses should be willing to learn some new skills, become more aware of each other, become more aware of themselves, and be vulnerable within the relationship. A couple that is willing to increase communication skills, using “feeling” words and distinguishing those feelings, could also increase their chances at succeeding.
Another way to increase effectiveness is by understanding that you are a team. Two individuals in a relationship who head into therapy with the attitude that they are against each other will be working for the win, rather than the compromise. If a couple sees each other as teammates, they could be more successful in their quest for a better relationship.
Finally, when each partner has the humility and maturity to own his or her part in the problems they face, effectiveness is increased. It’s essential an individual can apologize and work toward changing his or her own behavior, rather than focusing on changing his or her partner’s behavior.
Getting Started
In most situations, relationship counseling in Chevy Chase, MD, can be successful and effective if that’s what the couple wants. Contact a couples counselor from Lindsey Hoskins and Associates today to get started.