Custom Wedding Ceremony Great Falls MD 
At Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, we like our clients know that we also offer officiant services for custom wedding ceremonies in Great Falls, MD. We can imagine that there are more than enough tasks to attend to in preparation of your wedding. You have to make decisions about flowers, decor, invitations, table settings, drinks, attire, and more. The list may feel endless.
But, hopefully you haven’t forgotten about the importance of hiring a wedding officiant, especially if you want a custom experience for your ceremony. Your wedding officiant sets the tone for the celebration, so you don’t just want to hire anyone. You can rely on us here at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates to create an MD custom wedding ceremony that suits both you and your fiance. And, we do travel!
Imagine The Ceremony You Want
Before consulting with a wedding officiant, think about your vision for the ceremony. Do you want it traditional? Modern? Are you religious or secular? How long do you want the ceremony to last? Express your thoughts with every candidate and then narrow down your search based on who supports your desire to create a custom wedding ceremony in Great Falls. Not every officiant will be open, so it’s imperative that you hire someone that is flexible and willing to accommodate your wishes.
Arrange a Meeting With An Officiant
Be sure to have a one-on-one meeting with your wedding officiant candidates. You may find that a person is great while conversing through an email, but in person you don’t like the sound of their voice. While this may sound silly, the tone of voice and how a candidate speaks is surely going to have an impact on your ceremony. If your gut reaction to a candidate is that you immediately connect with them and resonate with their energy, then chances are your guests will too!
Request Reviews From Previous Couples
There’s no harm in asking for reviews from couples a candidate has created a Great Falls, MD custom wedding ceremony for in the past. You want to confirm that this person is reliable, understands state laws, and can provide a beautiful ceremony. If you and your fiance are quiet people who want a peaceful ceremony, then hiring someone who is buoyant and lively may not be right for you. An officiant who is a good fit is someone who you feel like your personality works well with theirs.
Ask About The Ceremony Template
Some officiants work from a general template and then tweak it to best match the couple requesting a custom wedding ceremony in Great Falls, Maryland. If you want a ceremony which represents your personality together, then ask if the officiant is comfortable taking your requests. The best officiant will want to do everything possible to give you the ceremony you are imagining. You want someone who is warm, open, personable, and dependable too.
How They Deal With Rowdy Guests
Unfortunately, sometimes there are a handful of guests who are louder than they should be during a wedding ceremony. Perhaps someone had a little too much to drink beforehand, or they don’t realize they are being interruptive. Ask your officiant candidate how they would deal with this situation during your ceremony. Based on the answer, this will inform you of their level of professionalism in such a role.
We take pride in offering officiant services to couples tying the knot. If you are interested in finding out more, don’t hesitate to contact us at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates regarding Maryland custom wedding ceremony in Great Falls!