Anxiety Therapists in Bethesda, MD 
If your child is suffering from anxiety and you’re struggling to adequately support them, consider connecting with an experienced anxiety therapist in Bethesda, MD. The experienced Maryland team at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates can help you to decide whether you, your child, and other immediate loved ones could benefit from family therapy. Too often, families resist the idea of attending family therapy if their overall dynamic is healthy. They are often unaware that a family therapy setting can supplement other efforts to help a specific family member struggling with individual needs. If your child is suffering from anxiety, know that connecting with our experienced Bethesda, MD anxiety therapists may be able to help you support your child’s unique needs.
Could Family Therapy Help My Child’s Anxiety?
Family therapy sessions allow loved ones, as a group, to identify and process areas of concern. These areas of concern may be primarily rooted in one family member’s experience, or they may be rooted in the dynamic of the family unit as a whole. If your child is suffering from anxiety, you may have a strong sense of where that anxiety originated or you may not yet understand the source of their challenges. Sometimes, anxiety is situational. Other times, anxiety stems from hormonal imbalances and other medical causes. In either event, your child will benefit from your proactive approaches to help them identify, process, cope, and thrive in the very world that makes them anxious. Family therapy can help you to develop the tools to help your child and can help your child to develop the means to process your guidance and assistance in healthy, productive ways.
Similarly, family therapy can help to ensure that siblings, your child’s other parent(s), and anyone else who has an intimate familial bond with your child also gains a better understanding of what your child is going through and how to help them. Anxiety is a complex condition. Family therapy can help to identify your child’s triggers and assist the entire family into responding to them in healthy ways. Oftentimes, our instinct as loved ones is to tell an anxious child to simply avoid feeling anxious. This isn’t a sustainable approach, especially when the very process of childhood involves learning what forces should produce healthy fear, anxiety, and other challenging emotions. By working with trained therapists, everyone in your family (including your child) can learn to identify, adapt, and process your child’s anxiety in supportive, healthy, informed ways.
Counseling Guidance Is Available
If you’re interested in learning more about family therapy, please call us today. Asking questions in no way obligates you to following through with therapy. No two family situations are exactly alike and the decision to move forward or not is always squarely up to you. Please allow us to answer your questions and be of assistance today. Our Bethesda, MD anxiety therapists are here to help.